
Misha Mansoor’s Latest Go-to Jackson Juggernaut Is …

By Chrissy Mauck

October 25, 2016

Periphery guitarist Misha Mansoor received the prototype of his Jackson limited edition signature Juggernaut HT6 in Matte Lambo Orange to approve during the recording of new album Select Difficulty. The guitar was so excellent that not only did he sign off; he also swapped it out as his main recording axe.

“We literally switched to this guitar that day and didn’t stop using it, and it’s been my main recording 6 since then,” said Mansoor. “There’s something really special about it. I’m not really sure what it is, but I did notice this is the only quilt top with a matte finish on it. Which I don’t know if that helps it breathe a little bit more, but all these little things make a difference.

“So this is actually a really special guitar and its probably only going to be my main for foreseeable future.”

Hear Mansoor play both his HT6 and HT7 and explain in detail his spec choices in the video interview below.