Jackson was delighted recently to hear from an old friend who’s no stranger to Jackson fans, Mike “Metal Mike” Chlasciak, who checked in with an update on his most recent goings on, namely, his tour with Rob Halford opening for Ozzy Osbourne. That particular metal fest, billed as “The Metal God on Tour With the Prince of Darkness,” wrapped up in mid-December.
As for ringing in the new year, a new Halford album featuring Metal Mike is slated for 2011 release, as is a new solo effort titled The Metalworker. Further, don’t miss Chlasciak’s new column in Guitar World magazine, called “Metal For Life.”
But why are we telling you? We’d much rather let Metal Mike himself do the talking:
“Hey metal heads and Jackson fanatics! It’s Metal Mike saying hello from a heavy metal land, where two metal gods share the stage nightly. Yep, I am talking about the Metal God—Rob Halford—and the Prince of Darkness—Ozzy Osbourne. As many of you know, we’re on the North American arena tour playing to many, many people every night. It feels great! And as you guessed, my Randy Rhoads models are with me once again, and I wouldn’t have it any other way.
I’ll be back with a quick report right after. If you dig reading Guitar World, check out my ‘In Deep’ column with Andy Aledort, called ‘10 Metal Riffs You Must Know.’”
Keep it Metal,
Metal Mike